Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Listening to Bibi

And I'm thinking "Americans stand with Israel but I fear we have a CiC who does not; and a feckless congress who gives in rather than challenge the historic first black prezzy."   I hope this speech and some pressure from voters will give congress some spine and force EarLeader to back off .   Its deeply disturbing that Pakistan has  nuclear bombs; having Iran get them, with crazy theocratic rulers that WANT an apocalypse, God help us all. 

  At least North Korea's crazy ruler doesn't think he'll bring about salvation by starting an apocalypse, having some misgivings about dying is a big rationalizing force.    Having some crazy loons who think billions of people dying brings about paradise getting access to weapons that can kill millions should scare everyone.   Its scary in itself that the Ivy League grads at  State Dept and elsewhere in power here cannot understand that yes there are people in charge in the ME who do have that evil cult belief; but instead think that they have to save gaia from CO2.   

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