Monday, December 22, 2014

We are skipping decorating this year.

I was lazy and did not ask Dad to get stuff down for me to put up.  I asked/volunteered to help him if he wanted to decorate late on Saturday but we were both meh, not interested in doing it this year.  I can see the neighbors nice lights as I drive home and it feels like that is good enough this year.  I don't feel like I'm being a bah humbug, but OTOH I do a lot of crap like going hunting,  cooking soup beyond my interest etc for Dad all year round and don't feel like I need to wrap something to hand him on Dec 25.

I rode Tanza and Sadie friday and Saturday again.   Just rode Tanza in the paddock.  He was pretty good,  was fine with road grader going by with blade up but then the other horses got all Lookie Lou -- I think at someone walking on the road at bottom of pasture and Tanza decided maybe the grader must be scary.   So I decided not to push and do a 3rd canter on him but instead did some small trot circles and stopped on the fence side away from the road.  Got off, gave him his horse treat for standing nicely while I did so and then led him over to the fence line along the road as the grader went past.  He had to jump and kick out a bit even though I was between him and the grader but then settled down right away.   So my "I'm 50 and have to be cautious" thinking was about right.

 Thanks to the centered riding clinics the last 5 yearsI feel like I'm OK riding a green horse, my balance feels decent and I can sit most spooks just fine,  but I don't want to push my luck and end up with a bucking/spooking rodeo.

My mares will get their hooves trimmed tomorrow.  Hopefully it helps with the bit of thrush Sadie has had.  I probably have to make a point of spraying her frogs and sole with bleach water 2-3 times a week for a few weeks too.  

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