Sunday, October 12, 2014

One foot in front of the other

Yesterday I loaded up Lady, Sadie and Grey Moun and hauled to Golden, picked up Mason the draft X and we went trail riding at Table Mountain.   I love riding with Mason's family.   The girl is a teenage girl and I wouldn't offer often to ride with only her and Mason because I'm an old curmudgeon but with the family as a whole it is great.  The mom is very down to earth and one of those people who is super easy to talk to.  The boy is quiet and at times a bit disorganized but super considerate and Grey loves having him as a rider, he is easy to carry and not bossy, only directing for which trail to take or 'can we have some trot or canter for a bit'.  Some horses like more leadership from the rider but Grey has always preferred a 'just give me the outline and let me decide the fine details' riding style. 

Today I made some Irish cream liquor.   Decided I could not see giving Ear Leaders gub'mint extra excise taxes so it would be better to just add whiskey to cream, coffee and sugar myself.   A mini go Galt gesture I guess.   I've got beans soaking to make chili.   Need to decide what meat I'll add in.

I contacted a new farrier and she said she would fit me in early next week.   In some way's Sadies hooves don't look too bad but knowing that this definite imbalance is there w/o having left shoes on way long or otherwise neglected getting regular trims makes my gut clench.   I have to mess with Tanza's feet at least one more time before she comes but its sprinkling and a bit windy today so hopefully its nicer tomorrow.   Hopefully being held vs just tied will help too.   His seller said he was good for hoof trims, but he got agitated when I went to pick out the back foot that had the puncture wound.   I should have moved him to a better spot and tied him shorter quicker than I did.  Once I did that and only picked out his foot he did act like he felt silly for making such a production of things.

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