Sunday, October 5, 2014

I need a younger body

Or to be less obsessive about the goats head burrs.    I've been pulling some of the ones that I didn't get sprayed and they set a bunch of burrs.    My body is protesting at the 30-40 minutes of pulling per day I've done and I can't trash my back and neck, which are already being fussy and slightly degrading my sleep.   But I would so like to get rid of them now.  I'd like to be too busy going to rides next year to do as much spraying + I want to spray the pasture area a couple times next year.

But I did ride Tanza Saturday.   He was not such a saint this time.   I am a bit intimidated to push him,  lot of power under me and I don't want it blowing up.   I went to about the same spot I turned around on Monday but turned him a bit before while he was walking forward for me.  He stopped a lot on the way out.  That is not a big deal, but he wanted to zoom home and was not quite as nice about slowing down as on his first ride out. 

I rode him in Grey and Shades pen for a few laps when we got back so he would not think he is just done when we get home.   He was anxious, but is enough of a smart cookie that he might make the connection and act that way to be lazy in future if it gets rewarded now.   I am reminding myself that he did not do anything very bad at all; just felt like he was not too far from bolting or blowing up a couple times. 

Rode Sadie today.   She was pretty good but acted rather spooky and anxious.   Maybe a bit of something in the air this weekend LOL.   Mostly I think its just that she had 3 weeks off.  She had been getting so good for me before her colic and layoff.  I'm going to have to suck it up and text the new farrier,  have not had a reply to emailing him.    Hopefully after everyone is trimmed again I'll either feel better about him or know I have to search again.   There is one on FB that a lot of folks south of here are using that posts pics of some of his work and it looks so good.  Makes me so bummed that he never called back when I was trying to get him this summer.     But then the old farrier is still doing Dad's horses and CJ's shoeing job looks pretty good -- I need someone that can do good work on Sadie's tricky feet.   

Also did some laundry this weekend and finally got mom's memorial service plant repotted.   Thank goodness the coop had potting soil when I thought to look for it when I got some horse feed.   I never remembered to try to get it at Target or my rare trips to Walmart and Dad never bought any even though he was all hot to get it repotted way back in early summer.   

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