Monday, September 1, 2014

Argghhh, #$%farriers

Sadie did travel well with her EDSS or whatever trim and shoe job but he couldn't be bothered to fire up a forge and cut off excess heel sticking out and now she stepped on the outside branch and bent the shoe and loosened clinches.    I am so pissed after paying pretty big $$ for two trims and one was barely a bit of rasping and just a half set of shoes that I may not stick as a customer even if he makes it right before we leave for SD on Thursday.    For certain it is try someone else if he doesn't come through on the customer service and fix it instead of blaming the horse for having flat feet and saying his schedule is full.

No bloody wonder so many people have gone to DIY trimming and hoof boots.  They are a PITA but at least you know the job will be done right if you take the time to do it right rather than being at the mercy of the farrier's whim on the day they come out. 

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