Thursday, March 20, 2014

Took a super short ride on Sadie today

That is not the way to get her endurance fit, but it was good for my mental health.   I'm now fairly sure that I have some spring allergy or literal hay fever going on.   I have had a mild sore throat a couple times when I wake up but it does not persist and even if I had a very rare cold w/o sore throat first, I would have gotten the streaming nose by now.   Maybe a few trees are in some kind of bloom already, more likely the dusty hay that I've been worried would set Sadie's skin allergies off has been setting me off and I need to just do a quick look to decide if a specific bale is too dusty for her to eat and STOP sniffing question mark bales to see if they smell musty to me.   It won't do me much good to keep her allergies down if I get so much sinus swelling and nasal drip that a stupid sinus infection gets started, especially if I end up with arrrghhhh weeks of hassle before the right antibiotic, taking it long enough combo is prescribed.  

Still I think I will skip riding tomorrow morning, they are predicting fairly cold until mid-afternoon.  Maybe I will force myself to do a big Target run and stock up on frozen entrees and stuff,  but I stopped at Walgreens on the way home last night and got Sudafed and big multi-pack of Raman noodles so I can now push off doing a grocery run and get by with adding Raman to soups from the deep freeze and stuff.  

Sadie gets a gold star for not being silly when the motorcycle passed us while we were in the ditch.  Rider was nice, slowed down and all that but Sadie was good.  Then she proved she is an ayrab by acting concerned looking at the rider when he 1/2 mile off and riding next to the ditch.   She doesn't like when she sees motion and doesn't know what it is.  She was only mildly concerned though, no whirling dervish, big sideways teleports or anything.   I think I got myself a pretty good horse for my I'm not a seasoned citizen yet but I'm starting to get too old to fall years.

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