Tuesday, March 18, 2014

chasing my tail

I should have called my vet last week to get Shade more Previcoxx and ask about Adequan or a substitute to give to Ole.   But I did not.  Saturday I felt like I as getting sick and it was blowing all day.  I did move a few forkfuls of manure from Shade and Grey's pen just by hand.  That was dumb since I was feeling off but it didn't make me feel yucky so maybe the non-aerobic exercise was OK.

Sunday it was nice,  I was lazy in the morning, didn't even call L until almost 11.  She called back at 1 to say not coming till Monday.    I felt like my balance was a bit off so I didn't ride.  I did run the tractor and do more cleaning but was tired and quit with the project not done.  I didn't do any laundry so I'll just about have to do some mid-week now.

Monday L came out and we rode,  I went to stop to send registered letter to the pyramid scheme corp and I had left the stinking letter at home after finding an address label for it.  Called vets from work to pick up Previcoxx and gave Shade the last dose I had.    Fed the last of my complete feed.

Today,  found just a bit of some old complete feed in my trailer mixed with bran so horses got that mixed with the almost gone sweet feed.   Was running late, again,  stopped to get more horse feed as that seemed more urgent than the Previcoxx.  Shade has been looking pretty spry lately.  Its such a pendulum, a few weeks ago I was thinking I'd be having to start dosing her daily as she seemed to walking stiffly on the mornings after her skip days.   Called the vet office to let them know I was not going to get there to pick up the pills today cuz  was no way going to be there before they closed for their lunch break.   Finally got the "Cancel me or ELSE" letter sent with certification.  $6.49 to get the USPS to collect a signature and mail me back the postcard with it, but the tiny PollyAnna side was no line at all.

I have also not gotten groceries and must stop and get some tomorrow to heat and eat at work.  I also have not tackled the darned taxes and I need to do the fed ones a little ahead of time so I can get the state ones done by the big deadline. 

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