Thursday, November 15, 2012

Oh how I hate "progress"

I dislike change and progress of any sort means change.   Unlike the 'liberal' (Democrat party) voters I do understand that change is inevitable.   The notion that mankind could freeze the climate into the fairly ideal state of the late 20th century if only we would reduce our carbon based energy usage is so laughable.   Aside from the natural effects that we don't even understand yet its clear to anyone with a functioning brain that China, India, Brazil et al are and will continue to ramp up their CO2 production at rates far exceeding what cuts Europe and the U.S. can make.    But I digress.

Yesterday my I-mac at work froze when I was reading email first thing when I got in and kept freezing through 3 powering off and restarting cycles.   Finally I tried discarding my ergonomic keyboard and my ergonomic mouse substitute.  Switchrf to the miserably under-sized keyboard and the magic trackpad that came with the computer.  Apparently the latest automatic update to ward off hackers could no longer deal with the old keyboard and  my beloved keyboard tray with a mouse roller that kept me from having to reach way off to the side to reach a traditional mouse.   The computer has been happy since I switched the keyboard and mouse out. 

I however am quite annoyed at having to give up my comforts to keep the finicky computer going.  And this is stinking Apple, aren't they supposed to be about making things easy for the user?    This kind of progress is as useless as the political progress the Dems have going.  Make the user the slave to the cpu.   Make the private producer a slave to the state and its welfare system.   Yeah that will really help my personal productivity and get the national economy, which is still what funds our government, humming along, NOT.   

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