Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I should have stayed up at hunting camp

Well not really I am getting a bit of work done but I am so distracted wondering if the polling has been SO bad in order to allow Dems lots of wiggle room for their fraud or is just wishful thinking by the marxists in the media and they will cry foul when (please god save this nation) they lose.   I listened for a few minutes until I couldn't stand any more to some Dem talking head on radio yesterday implying that the Repubs steal the elections with the electronic voting machines because the polling doesn't match results.   (and we conservatives worry because Diebold is now held by a Spanish company with significant shares held by Soros.)  

 Umm the crappy polling results couldn't possibly be because the polling is not a random sample of every 10th or whatever voter and Dems seek out the college girls majoring in sociology to brag about voting for the socialists and the grumpy Repubs veer away from them because we like the idea of secret ballots.    I'm reading reports of exit polls showing Barry leading.   I partly think that some of this is those effing liberals who think they can sidestep any direct consequences just panting to have some riots when their JEPOS loses.  

I know so many conservatives who are so fed up they are just about chanting "bring it" to any mention that inner city yoots might riot.   I also don't see them sitting at home and risking congress seats even if they think the presidency is lost, they will make every effort to turn back the marxist hordes via the ballot box first   ---then will come 'striking' rather than continuing to work to support a bunch of ungrateful marxist mobs  --again with a "bring it" mindset should mobs come looking to do some direct looting.   Hopefully Romney wins handily, the media is shown up as the partisan idiots they are, and Barry and the Dems turn off more misguided white guilt and 'moderate' voters with their petulant behavior and give the "tea party" more fuel to drag this country back to being the capitalist and "property rights for all, not just friends of the party in power" option amongst countries.   Folks that think socialism is so darned wonderful can just emigrate their sorry selves to one of the plethora of nations that practice socialism on various scales.  I hope a huge group of like minded, but formerly apolitical folks has been awakened and will hammer that message out as long as necessary. 

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