Thursday, November 8, 2012

Hello president santa claus

Rush's reason on why Barry won.  Makes quite a bit of sense and the GOP needs to be careful not to rush into positions trying to lure voters that a) won't begin to compete with government as Santa Claus and b) will just lead to more people staying home even though they do understand that making government Santa Claus will collapse the government sooner or later and probably close to sooner if they feel like the GOP totally disrespects them for their views on morality or needing to have rule of law and a secure border or whatever.

I truly expected to be in a position of Romney won, now how do we make sure he sticks to getting rid of Obamacare and how do we get skittish GOP congressional politicians to actually reduce spending.   So now I have to decide just how to react to this.   Moving to Canada, with entrenched government healthcare and high taxes + very limited gun rights (even though I don't like shooting guns personally -- I have sensitive ears and I'm not very steady aiming) and the very scary to me free speech limitations thanks to their dumb HumanRightsCommissions that the commies and muzzies use to try to stifle debate does not hold any appeal.  I don't speak Spanish and would have a hard time trusting any of those countries to stay free even if they are currently better which I rather doubt let alone the hassle of importing horses.

Canada is the only option I can see and even though its been trending more conservative and we just let the looters win politically I don't see it as being better yet.  I'm not running a business so lower corporate taxes and hitting the people who 'benefit' from the 'free' healthcare directly doesn't really help me out.  At least it makes sense vs telling folks they can have something for nothing though.

 I guess I should look into their welfare system, that is a big problem here.  We have inner city schools that groom youth to be welfare collectors rather than teaching them anything and a system that encourages life long dependence on SSDI or other government handouts and that seems unlikely to be fixed in my lifetime.   If Canada has a system that doesn't encourage being on the dole as a way of life it may now be or will be by 2016 a better option for someone who doesn't want to encourage robbing people who create jobs to buy votes from people who think they are entitled to have cell phones and flat screens w/o working + have bureaucrats telling them they'll lose net $/week if they choose to leave the dole and they just aren't smart enough to ever get the good jobs that pay better than being on the dole.   Our U.S. welfare system right now is so pernicious,  it really makes people feel they are trapped in 'the ghetto'  no one shows them they have the key and could leave any time.


Gerrick said...

"even though I don't like shooting guns personally -- I have sensitive ears and I'm not very steady aiming"

Earplugs and practice will help with those.

Teresa/ride4fun said...

I suppose if I did some plinking with small caliber rifle or pistols I'd probably like it better. Elk rifles and loads are not conducive to holding steady.

But still, improving my shooting always seems like 'something I should do', not a fun activity so I just go ride or curl up with a book instead.