Monday, November 19, 2012

CJ is better

I should call his office and request the vet to call me at my work # with some specifics but voice message left on friday said the high liver enzyme #"s which the Glenwood Springs vet thought might mean liver disease for CJ had fallen.  one # was still high but Dr Mike said it does change more slowly.  We will check again in about 2 weeks.    --more $ of course.   Saturday I moved CJ into a pen that the mini's used to have access to.  I had dad make a hole in the fence so CJ and mini's could share a water tank. 

This is working pretty good.   CJ and Black Diamond are both getting a bit of extra exercise running the fence line 'challenging' each other.   They can use the exercise.

Saturday I used the trick dad showed me with the tractor bucket to pull some of the built up wet manure back from the potty spots and filled in one low spot that was just dirt with a scoop of sand.   Sunday I picked out the rotted manure and bit of leftover hay from one low spot and put in 2 scoops of sand there and picked up a couple scoops of manure and hauled to the manure pit.   I need to ask dad if he can/will tackle AJ's pen and if not hire someone to come in with a skid steer.  Its a big mess and I feel like I don't have enough hours in a week to get to it. 

I'm thinking maybe we should try to get a boarder or housemate wanting to trade work for horse board or rent.   I can barely keep up and dad is lonely and would love to have someone to yak with.  I'll have to ask him about doing it.   He may not feel like he wants an outsider around but I'm feeling squeezed and its making me cranky too much of the time.   

1 comment:

Gerrick said...

Yay about CJ. Sorry about your Dad.