Wednesday, July 15, 2009

riding update

Shade got a week off after her 50 mile ride at Shamrock. Sunday I rode 8 miles and tuesday I rode her 5 miles. Saturday I alternated being lazy in the house with weed control efforts most of the day but grabbed Grey for an evening ride of 3 miles. Today I rode RazzMo 3 miles. C was out to ride sunday but we were getting ready to haul hay so I just unlocked the tack door and then did some prep stuff and she came looking for me asking about longeing him because he was unwilling to canter for her and she didn't want to push in the saddle. She was doing ok. Its a square arena and Razz probably was longed in a R/P when he was trained 4 years ago but otherwise he was 'longed' once 21 months ago when dad worked to get him to accept the scabbord.

I had a pretty good ride on Razz. He was a lot more willing and obedient than last year so the weekly arena rides are doing him a lot of good. I hope that getting a road ride 1x/week between times will help him be a bit less lazy for C in the arena. I also need to hop on a horse and ride with her again soon, that gives Razz some energy w/o him getting wound up. I need to ride CJ soon to see how he is after his adjustment, which is already 3 weeks past. Dang times flies when one wastes too much of it on the internet.

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