Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I hate when I plan to download the camera but ....

Find that while I grabbed the camera, I left the card reader doo hickey at home or work. Oh well, pictures are probably nothing much anyway. I really hate when the camera is giving me low battery warnings but it 'takes' a few pictures, except that they are NOT readable images when I go to download.

Heck I think I'll just vent multiple pet peeves. I hate that the flies are already pretty thick, a month ahead of our usual population pattern. Its from having so much rain. I HATE goatsheads. I have made a good dent in them in some areas but being obsessed with them I'm now trying to keep them minimized in areas that I abandoned in past years when I could barely keep up with farmyard where I walk all the time. And I KNOW that should I ever move they will just take over again. The sneaky things seem to manage to grow a few plants and each will set ONE burr even when they are really crowded and cant become monsters. Then in a dry year where the other plants are set back they take over again.

I Hate that mom is so sick and in so much jaw pain she is reduced to spending huge chunks of the day sleeping or curled in a fetal position. Where is a 'greedy' trial lawyer to sue that damned specialist who talked her into the dental implants that caused all this and then blew her off as someone just looking for pain prescriptions when the problems started. Of course even now the dumb doctors cant agree on the cause, or get ducks in a row and get the hurting implants OUT in a reasonable time. And I hate that mom will not pursue other avenues for relief. I think I'd be demanding some kind of special long lasting novacaine, even though I hate that numb mouth feeling, seeing an acupuncturist, trying homeopathy ...... if I had to take pain pills that often and didn't have a surgery scheduled in just a few days.

I hate that I am so lousy at scheduling condition dates with other people in specific and getting ph calls made in general. I hate that my politicians seem hellbent on imploding all the unique, mostly good, features of my country. I hate that I cant even vent about that just anywhere because almost half the population thinks the politicians are doing good things with these 1200 page bills et al.

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