Saturday, November 8, 2008

took me a while but I'm happy with election results

Conventional wisdom is that that losing party goes more moderate to appeal to independent voters like me but I think Gore was green but not liberal overall. Kerry may not have been hardcore liberal but he kept his Massachusets base happy; then this year Edwards was behind from the start and I do recall that Hillary led the push to attempt national healthcare in 93, and she is on the short list of FOCA bill sponsors along with Obama; and well to anybody who thinks Obama is not very liberal perhaps you'd like to stay at our lovely Colorado beachfront property sometime and get some sand in your shoes.

I wish voters would have overturned congress as well this year; but if McCain had won this year congress would most likely have swung even more liberal through the next 2 elections. Since congress passes the laws and budgets, six more years of what we've had the last two years would be a scary thought to me. Now with no republican president to blame problems on, there is a very good chance that we can get a majority of fiscal conservatives into congress in 2010. Perhaps my fantasy will even come true and they will be socially conservtive only in the sense of believing that goverment should STAY OUT of people's private lives. What I consider the old school conservative style.

Oh and anyone who is liberal should be happy. You have two years to convince the me and/or the world -most of which is not starting in skeptical mode like I am; that your way works better. So far all I've heard from the left is pre excuses of how big the mess is; but hey if they get off their butts and make good things happen I'll respect that.

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