Saturday, November 15, 2008

sleepy saturday

I've been almost nodding most of the day. Hope I'm not getting sick, I believe flu shot day at work is next week. Guess I'll get one if I don't feel sick right then. I opened the gate so the horses could play and browse in the bottom 5 acres. Grabbed Razz as the sun was geting low, which happens way too early now, and still over a month to the solstice.

I grabbed Razz because I didn't feel solid enough to ride Shade and he is easy to catch. He was a good boy, he got a bit jumpy when I tried and failed to swing on so I wouldn't have to walk up from the pasture -did I mention I was being lazy today. I would have failed even if he had stood statue still. We took the shortest of rides down the road and then I turned around because it was already getting so dark.

Decided to try to bring the horses into the dry lots and shut the gate before unsaddling and Razz was a bit unsure of this but he went along with my wishes. Shade and Sadie came up to see what was going on and Shade stayed up but I had to fetch Cindy, GreyMoun and CJ and Sadie swirled around being a young arab filly. I think Grey would have walked up when he saw me at the gate but Cindy wasn't coming and he was sticking with her. It was about like herding cats to get CJ and Cindy to go to and through the gate, but thankfully neither took off running the other way. Finally they all went thru the gate and took off running, which made Razz want to go too. I took him in an ess and stopped him and hopped off to get the gate shut. I just left the english rein over his neck and didn't ask him to stay with me -- For a second I thought Razz was going to go thru the gate before I got it closed but I waved him back and he decided to just sprint up to join the rest of the horses at the feeders. Now I have to go feed AJ and Duke. I forgot that mom told V that she is ready to feed now. I better find out if V is feeding all the mini's or we are haying Diamond and Frosty first. Better get going on that before I fall asleep in the chair. LOL

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