Saturday, August 6, 2022

Must put aside rejection feelings and get back to my corral cleanup project

 I don't want Tanza eating the slightly musty hay I bought for the minis and decided is too rich to feed much to them.  So I have him in with Razz so I felt the need to tackle taking down the section of falling down fence that used to separate that space into two pens.  I need to get back out and finish the project, but at least I've made some decent progress on it.   

I just don't grok friendship enough.   I think I don't make the effort to maintain communications is part of what I get wrong but I just don't know.  'twas easier when I just only rode at home or hauling out by myself and saw slight buddies at rides.  But I can't get enough conditioning on Tanza at home, he is too reactive and the ground is too hard.  So I need to either do way more networking to find riding company or decide to make doing trailering out day rides happen more often regardless of not having someone to ride with. 

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