Thursday, March 3, 2022

I'm getting paranoid now that horde members will die

 A long time member posted Tuesday that he thought he and B and SiL were all having long covid or lingering covid.  Had not felt horribly sick but zero energy for a week and maybe he should drag himself out to try to buy horse paste.   Aaack, what is it with people not spending $30 ahead of time in case they get sick? but I reached out to his contact info which was not a direct email to offer to send him some overnight and he responded wed morning with his address and was posting on the blog pretty actively the first part of the day.    Now I haven't seen his nic today or an email response (USPS probably hasn't even delivered yet in Oregon) and I'm in a minor tizzy of "oh no, did he take a sudden downturn?" 

It isn't just completely groundless paranoia after recent deaths of some horde members, but it is pretty darned early to go from annoyance at having the schlepp to the PO to feeling a bit of panic that he may have left it too late to say/do anything.  Breathe in, breath out,  trust that even if I have another pang of loss that all the souls who have passed from the earthly plane are having perfect peace and safety in God's hands.

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