Thursday, August 20, 2020

Trying to limit my social media for my sanity

 Even with limiting myself somewhat the last year or so I'll see posts about what a horrible person I am for 'riding in FW with the waifs instead of my actual tacked weight'  or 'passing someone I had drafted on at the finish so she would get the turtle award'  I know that I should have summoned the energy to communicate the plan to her, but I was pretty groggy after being up for over 24 hours.  Loved how she thought it was just accidental that she got the nice turtle award though, but I forced myself to refrain from justifying myself on the social media.   I know I was wrong in not talking it out and I know folks that know me know that I am not in the habit of jumping in front at the finish if placing points might be involved.  (80 entrants and finishing turtle I was pretty confident that only completion points were going to happen for the last 2 people finishing on time at that ride)

I finally got some of the stuff out of my car dropped off at the ARC thrift store.  They have a good system of unloading cars behind their store with 3-4 employees.   After I get feed next I can start collecting the next batch of stuff to donate.   Still weighted down by a bunch of *stuff* but I have lightened that load considerably over the last couple of years and it feels good to be able to see desktops and floor space even where I have the last 20% of stuff still sitting around.   It is going to be HOT this weekend,  I am on call but may try to still go camping with Becca in WY and just run to a McDs or rest area for ops checks using their wifi cuz the smoke and heat are getting to me and Tanza is bored, plus fit as a fiddle.  No low weight issue this year only doing 2 rides plus me feeding him extra and not cutting back instantly when he gets to decent weight.  

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