Friday, August 21, 2020

Got rid of a bit of garage clutter today.

 This is good bit of mental laziness.  Instead of getting down to real sorting in one of the rooms where I have gone through and burned or put in the trash the obvious crap, I move on to another room that has low hanging fruit.   The articles I've read on decluttering say to focus on one area to get the reward of having that clean spot or room but when I've tried to do that I just shuffled non-obvious stuff to another room.  I have gotten rid of enough stuff after adopting my "find a few things to deal with each day" that I am now getting the mental boost of "look how much of the desk in the downstairs office is clear" and so on and I have done some "ok donate this, this is trash", and I have put up a few things that I was saving, or mended clothes and put them in my closet.  But I have to go through a whole lot of stuff and decide "ok this goes in an album or something like that, this doesn't have any meaning to me so I'm trashing it"  And I gave myself permission to not mess with it until after riding season but I need to post stuff like mom's sheet music on eBay, and look into options for her accordion.   

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