Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Perhaps I need to break from the blog I follow

Or try to get the app that someone had developed to block certain posters.   But blocking would be of minimal use because the problem is not so much anyones direct posts,  I just have been getting into a mode of passing judgement on people.   I know I should not because I don't know the situations and I got past the one with the drug overdose, suicidal? dude whose wife was posting since I have no idea what sort of PTSD situations he may have seen in active duty.  

I'm having a much harder time with the sad sack who seems to think someone needs to seek him out and give him a nice job.   I should be more sympathetic with someone who worked long hours for a company thinking that would be their lifetime job and has been through an unwanted divorce but he is such a whiner and downer in almost all of his comments that I'm feeling sympathetic with the unknown wife for deciding to cut that anchor and sail away and for all I know she is/was a gold digger emotional life force sucking leech of the highest order.   But even if she was all of that.  DUDE stop with the constant woe is poor little me angling to get the sympathetic folks to give you a pep talk so many times every week.   Get out of your comfy blog posting chair and take a job outside of your JD degree field to develop some people skills or some perspective or something.

Then there is the paranoid dude who not only had to attack random posters after clicking on some link bait years ago and picking up a nasty hacking virus but he sucked other posters into his craziness after he was warned, given time-outs etc.    I'm beginning to wonder if he is some mental case, he posted a long story about going in person to some online funding site that had been holding up someones fund and then accused someone who was only mildly poo pooing the long self medaling series of posts of how great he had been of being his cyber stalker. (as though he had to have been stalked to pick up a virus with a habit of clicking links supposed to be youtube music or whatever from anonymous commenters.)

   It made me wonder if it was like the arsonists that start fires so they can call the fire department and tell people to get out to be the hero.  It would be oh so easy to "flag" a fund and then withdraw the flag after crafting the story of how you went to the actual offices of the online fund managing group and told them they needed to fly right.

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