Wednesday, March 2, 2016

How cool would it be to be able to debate things?

There is a board with someone who has some great knowledge of Civil War history and I think I could debate with him about slave holders starting the war,  southern military was sure valiant and honorable and what does he think about 1890s revision where all the crap the north did because they were losing at first got spun into causes of secession?   --IF it were just him and I or us and other reasonable people  -- but there is vocal board member who totally believes the 1890 revisionism and any mention of "yeah, the slave states withdrew because abolitionists started R party and had won the presidency" is met with shouting hysteria of "NO, it was only because of general states rights, slavery had nothin to do with it" 

And of course current politics.   It is nearly impossible to discuss candidate's platforms, history/(can we trust what they say) etc. on any kind of public forum because people having decided to support candidate A. take any criticism of A. as a personal insult and there are also a bunch of idiots who do insult anyone who supports 'that cretin A' as dumb, or racist, greedy, whatever.  

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