Monday, February 29, 2016

Oh joy, an extra stinking day in Feb and bonus its a monday

What a pity we can't have an extra day in June on leap years.  I quite like June.

My real cause of 'having the blahs' is not really anything to do with leap year, Feb. or even being a monday.  I'm just feeling pitiful because I tried to be compassionate and have been rebuffed for the awkward attempt.  Oh well, sometimes such efforts are appreciated out of proportion and it is supposed to be about being at peace with oneself.

 But even though I hate it when I find that I was doing something mostly for the ego strokes and not really just to please myself I'm only human and do feel pitiful when I feel ignored or rebuffed.  But I'll get over it, cuz I has horses and a pretty good life overall and I refuse to go into some pity spiral over one failed attempt to be supportive as a concerned colleague.

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