Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Well I kept my new years resolution

I'm not much on making resolutions but thought a couple days into this year.  "I should resolve to wash my car"    Not wash it weekly or even monthly, just get it washed.   I probably ran it thru a wash once or twice last year but two separate times I meant to wash it I didn't get it run thru the wash.  Once I filled my tank when I swung by my vets office to get Shade's pills and then forgot to use the wash and then I bought a wash on the way home from work and then found they closed their wash a little before sunset every day and never did come into work that way to use the wash during the month it was good for.  I was annoyed that there was no notice at the pump that the wash you were purchasing would not be redeemable at that time.

This weekend I plan to worm the horses and move Lady in with CJ.  She is dropping some weight now being in the bigger group.  I'm not surprised since Lady eats so slow, what surprised me was how well she did being in with Sadie; even though Sadie lets Lady be the boss horse she eats so much faster, but Lady must have managed to keep a hay feeder guarded until she got her portion.  That doesn't work with Shade and Razz in the group.  

I have not ridden in 3 or 4 weeks I think.   It kind of alarms me that I am not jonesing to get back in the saddle.  I normally don't ride much in the winter but usually get in a short ride every couple of weeks and start getting ancy if it gets much longer than that between rides.  But I'm not wanting to ride any of my horses if the ground has slick spots.   Shade is lame, Sadie is still on rest,  I don't want to stress Grey's older legs and I'm having a mental block with Tanza, I don't quite trust him not to get a bit stupid and slip if the ground is slick, or at least get a bit stupid and me not want to risk causing a fall if I get unbalanced so having to hit the ground which hurts too much at my age.  I'm fairly sure I'll get cabin fever and remind myself that Tanza does have a good mind and isn't going to do anything really stupid if we don't get a stretch of warm weather to make dry ground to ride on within a little bit.

It has been cold and I just don't care to be outside doing anything for very long lately.  I keep hearing about the unusually mild winter folks back east and in AK are having and thinking "well all the cold air just keeps sitting here, and that is not our normal, usually we keep getting some really mild days between cold fronts and snow storms all winter long."  I want our normal back, putting up with all the coasties who have moved here is harder w/o the that mild weather perk.

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