Wednesday, December 9, 2015

more whinging

Tanza and Grey have decided they don't care much for their hay and are going to hunger strike to get the hay the other horses are getting.  After getting their teeth done yesterday there is a bunch of hay scattered on the ground instead of eaten.   Maybe this bale was a bit off,  I'd feed them the other hay but some of those bales are grody and I'm leery of giving Tanza all his feed from that field even of the nice bales because of his allergies and me not knowing exactly what grasses are in it.  

He and Grey are both in pretty good weight right now so they can survive a few meals of just picking at their hay.  Ornery buggers,  I will have to out stubborn Tanza on this. 

I got Christmas cards ordered with a picture from our summer trip.  Yay Walgreens.  I used a mail order outfit before but this year they did not seem to have any option to put a personal picture on a card.   Walgreens will print them up this morning.  Hopefully they turn out fairly nice, I ordered quite a few, but maybe we will send to more of the cousins this year and not just older generation.  Decided I can postpone going to the DMV to get replace tags for p/u until tomorrow.   I wrote checks for my brother and family, just have to write them a quick note and pop that in the mail.  Guess I will have to request he let me know it arrived with the rash of non-delivered stuff I've been having. 

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