Sunday, August 11, 2013

quick 5 mile rides Saturday and tonight

Spent most of the weekend pulling and spraying the durn goatsheads but I did ride Sadie both evenings and we swapped pickups on my trailer.  Now have to remember to swap out the health certs and brand inspection paperwork for the horses and load a couple bales of certified hay. 


Gerrick said...

Heh, sounds like the government has taken an interest in horse riding.

Regulation this, regulation that, get your certificates up to date, blah blah blah.

What is all the paperwork for?

Teresa/ride4fun said...

Western states that don't have equine infectious anemia (coggins test) like to make sure they stay that way. The health certificates are more to trace back if there is a disease outbreak. I've had to show papers once when I stayed at a fairgrounds but state patrol can ask for them and I don't want the impounded horse and $$ tests and fines if I'd get pulled over and not have them.

Certified weed free hay is something that horse groups came up with to shut down some group(s) like earth defense league -- enviro-whackos that were trying to use weeds as an excuse to keep horse riders off public lands. Its a bit of a nuisance but I think of it as giving the tree-huggers the finger and that makes it worth it.