Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Must keep perspective with the goatshead burrs

I'm feeling like I'll never get them under control.  I need to remember that they used to be thick even in the yard and now in the extensive yard and driveway area there are  just a few stray sprouts that I need to watch for to try to keep them from making a comeback and they used to be thick in the horse pens nearly right up to the fence where I have my feeders and I do now have a pretty wide strip where they are gone.    I CAN claim a bit more ground and have a smaller battle field next year.

Time to feed the grain, and get headed to work I want to pick up some feed on my way. 


Gerrick said...

Fuzzbutt was put down monday.

Teresa/ride4fun said...

Oh I'm so sorry Gerrick (((HUGS)))