Friday, August 9, 2013

Finally rode Sadie this morning

I decided to spray the goatsheads, trying out my new ag dye so I would not get so caught up and run out of time.   Well with starting out having slept late and what all I still didn't get on the horse till the morning was mostly shot but I needed my vitamin H,  thank god for flexible work hours.

The ride was OK.  I thought she felt a bit off --trot seemed kind of rough or uneven at times but nothing consistent from her --then when I got off I was very stiff on my right leg so its quite likely that my body was causing what I felt.   We went 4 miles total,  trotted or cantered 2.5 miles,  she had lots of energy.  

I bought some blue dye to add to herbicide when I picked up feed on wednesday and used it in my little hand sprayer the first time today.   This is going to be very useful for getting a much higher percentage of the young weeds that haven't set burrs yet sprayed.   I was shocked at how many skips I had when I could quickly see whether I had sprayed or not. 

I invited the folks that have Lady to trail ride on Sunday and have not heard back.   I should have worked on trying to set up a conditioning ride date to go to with Sadie instead but I don't think she'll mind just doing flat rides at home. 

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