Monday, September 24, 2012

Struggling to get back to normal

I needed to get back to work, not because they have any pressure on me but to keep some normalcy.   I thought I would just work a normal week but I am really dragging today so I may have to work some partial days and take PTO to get through this first week. 

I did ride Shade on Saturday and Sadie on Sunday.   They truly were sanity rides.  Just over and under 3 miles on them but much needed to force me to focus on the horse for part of an hour and enjoy them. 

Otherwise mostly spent Friday-Sunday going through old pictures and a few videos for memorial.   Some good memories but its also been mentally wearing, much more so than I had expected it to be.  I hope dad is nearly done with phoning folks to let them know what happened or does it when I'm out of the house.  I think it must be therapeutic for him going over the details for folks but I can barely stand to hear it again.   Not much farther to fingernails on a blackboard effect for me. 

It is so nice not having to deal with a funeral home right now.  I think I will sign up with the science outfit as well but I will specify that I only want the option with family getting cremated remains in 3-5 weeks and then I want them to scatter the ashes in some riding area;  only if I outlive my family and there is no one to scatter ashes then the longer term science experiments is ok.   If the science place rejects for short term research there should be money in my estate to pay for cremation and the survivors will just have to deal with it.  

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