Sunday, September 23, 2012

Mom died Thursday

She collapsed Tuesday around 12:30 and basically died then, but dad called 911 and the paramedics got her heart going again.   The ICU Dr. on Tuesday night wanted us to withdraw her from the ER ventilator but since she was already on the machines we said we would not until we called my brother and sister and would let them decide if they wanted to come and see her even though she was unresponsive.

So they induced hypothermia for 18 hours and then did an EEG on thursday that confirmed there was no brain wave activity.    So after a few hours delay for the organ donor folks to evaluate and decide none of the organs or even the tissue donation would work we pulled her off the ventilator Thursday evening and her heart quit beating within a few minutes.    My brother and his wife and stepson flew back to Calif. Friday.   The MIL just had lung cancer discovered and part of a lung removed and is in a rebab nursing home.  

Mom had pre-registered to donate her body to science through a group called science care.   During the evaluation when we called them they wanted to know if we wanted option two, which we had not heard of.   They do longer term research and we will not get cremated remains back in 3-5 weeks as we would have with the other option.   I don't know if mom knew about this option but we chose it.    I thought it increased chances they would accept her and Dad thought she would have wanted to contribute as much as possible to research.  Sis recalled that mom had said she wanted her body donated to science and didn't care what we did with the remains afterward so she was also onboard with that decision.  

So we are just going through video and pictures, picking things out to do a picture board and dvd for a memorial service and do not have a definite marker for when we should time that.  


Gerrick said...

Damn, I am sorry to hear that.


Teresa/ride4fun said...

Thanks. It was a shock.

Sis feels bad that she did not know to come visit. I told her I thought coming in Nov. would be good cuz I had no idea either. My crystal ball has sucked this year or so.