Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I think I need my chiro appt tomorrow.

Maybe I'll have to go mattress shopping on saturday. Its supposed to still be wet, probably sloppy for riding. If its actually raining I guess I could ask if the mattresses are well wrapped. I really don't want to spend much time on it. But having a touchy back is not so great either. If I could know with certainty -- A better mattress will be helpful it would be useful. Oh well, I have reason to think it would be helpful because the air mattress fills saggy. It seems like it shouldn't be but I think I better trust my impression rather than 'how can an air mattress in a wooden box be sagging'

I had a nice ride saturday. Not very far but some fun canter work. Shade felt so strong, I was wondering if she was a bit uneven but I now think it was me. I rode again today also. Razz had his second lease ride and I think that gal is going to come out weekly, maybe some weekends as well. CJ also has a leasor, I have to get that check deposited. She was really skilled with him so I'm very pleased she wanted to come and ride him regularly. I rode Grey friday while she tried him. Actually I had her on Grey first because I took CJ down the road on the 9th and he was being kind of a jerk. Squealed and kicked (felt like just 1 leg) and tried to turn around and go home a few times -- darned horse couldn't stay broke 16 months with no riding? /sarc off. and I don't know how many years ago or how often he was ever taken out by himself. But just in case I wanted to make sure CJ didn't feel wild in the riding area as well, and also that the gal definitely knew how to ride, not just sit and look purdy before I had her get on him. CJ was pretty good for her and she really does know how to ride a horse, asking for direction changes, backing up, getting their mind in a working groove so I think they'll do well this summer. NOW I just have to get myself riding more.

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