Friday, August 16, 2024

I drove L to her appointment yesterday

 She had asked on the neighborhood text group if anyone could give her a ride and got a few "sorry, I have something going on" replies.   She has told the group she is pregnant.   I suppose I'm the only one she has been comfortable telling me that she is nervous and wondering if she should abort so all the hard core pro life folks may not know that tidbit.  But they know she is liberal and pro-choice, and if they had a bit of ability to read between the lines they'd pick up that she is having a tough time.    I don't know whether to tell them this is their rubber meets the road moment for their beliefs if they want to make sure this fetus is carried to term if there is not a natural mis-carriage or keep my mouth shut.  

I was going to take the Prius and it wouldn't go.   Maybe, maybe the battery was too low to start the gas engine and that is why it crapped out and wouldn't run.  Or the starter is bad or there is a bad fuse for the fuel pump or.   I have the trickle charger on it to test the battery possibility.   If that isn't it I will have to ask P if he can put his reader on it and see what the computer thinks is wrong.    If L is not going to want to take on the insurance and whatnot and make payments I am going to be bummed that I didn't at least call CarMax and ask if they offered a ride service to sellers or might arrange a lyft or uber and I probably could have got someone in the neighborhood to give me a lift.  

I offered dad's big wall tent to a couple folks on the chat that I thought might be interested.  No takers so I will have to list it on CL and or FB marketplace.   

B is going to take me up on feed lease for Taj.  I hope she will maybe want to keep riding him some, but she is starting to feel her pregnancy so she might not have any interest in riding until next year.

This is why I only have a few friends.   If I consider someone my friend I feel an obligation to help out if I can, like the ride for L.  Taking Taj is beneficial to me as well as B since I'll have a backup horse for trail-riding that I am familiar with having ridden with B often.   I guess if I had the huge network of friends then it would be easier to only offer to help for stuff that was easy.  I don't know. 

I need to put out there for a housemate, maybe a couple.   Rent on anything is crazy around here so it might be a great deal for someone.  I'm nervous to just advertise but if I demanded references it would probably be okay.  

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