Tuesday, July 30, 2024

summer doldrums

My friend is expecting in January.   I didn't even know she was getting married.  In fact I'm not 100% sure she did marry even after getting on FB to see what I had missed.   She has wanted to be a parent for years, I'm happy for her but also a bit envious that she is realizing her dream and I am treading water trying to avoid going into a serious depression and wondering whether to sell this place and finally 'run away from home' or try to get a housemate or 2 to make being here more enjoyable.   Obviously I am not a close friend.   She is one of my few friends but she is super social and has a huge circle of friends. 

The neighbor and friend that took care of dad and still comes weekly and cleans the floors and counters and does laundry is probably expecting as well.   

And I am just getting through the days and have punted on wrapping up the last bit of settling dad's estate.  Blah. 

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