Sunday, July 7, 2024

Decisions, decisions

 I need to call the hay lady's son in the real estate business and see what he thinks this place might sell for.  

I also need to get an ad somewhere for a roommate and do Farmers Only or something like it.   If I got a great roommate perhaps staying here is the best option.   But I am feeling unloved in the neighborhood.  I'm trying to engage more but I feel like I'm only getting polite acceptance because they all liked dad.  

If I had a partner to help, setting up a new place would feel a lot more doable and I could shake the colorado dust off my sandals when I left.   I feel like the commiecrats will keep the state in a death spiral for my lifetime if not forever.  I'm a bit hesitant to sell because the sibs will probably think they should get a cut if the place did sell for a lot.  But I could give them some money up to the gift tax limit for a year or 3 to keep family peace.  Staying here but not enjoying it just because "the sibs will feel screwed if I sell and get a lot of $"  would be stupid.    

Late P.S.  my big fear with moving is I would be just as lonely and unconnected in a new place, if not more so.  I probably should get on some dating sites and try to connect with someone else who would like to move away from cali lite.  

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