Saturday, October 17, 2020

I need to go DO SOMEthing.

 I'm having  a hard time breaking away from the computer today.  Partly I am in a funk because B never replied to my text last week.  I should call her, its quite possible the text just never went through or she saw it, went 'well riding at IC with M and J, not barefoot or hoof boot friendly' and figured she'd just wait until some time she is at loose ends for riding and contact me.  But my autism spectrum side, or whatever has been going "she's mad at me or tired of my company for some reason, and I don't know why"   

I'm also pretty close to stalled on my decluttering, keep a cleaner house, efforts.  Almost all the super easy "just burn this or put in garbage" things are gone.  I'll figure something out in a bit and I have been doing a bit of laundry or yard work and crap and not just totally shutting down on cleaning and removing clutter but progress is slow and I feel like I need to get more done.   

I did go out with the pole saw and take a few droopy branches off the Elm, plus got a dead and detached branch that was stuck in the tree cut into smaller pieces and pulled out of there.  

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