Wednesday, April 8, 2020

I aint nothing but tired

I'm not real fond of Springsteen but that lyric line is so appropriate.   I'm so tired of dealing with people who are not stupid but can say stupid things like 'Rona is only as bad as a severe flu with 0.1% mortality for those infected and then say no way 100K people in the U.S. will die from it.   Ummm HELLO,  lets assume 70% get it and herd immunity kicks in.   .7 times 330 million is 230 million.    .1% of 230 million is 230K so if its ONLY as bad as a severe flu and we have no vaccine than 200K folks are likely to die.   Now a good many of those will be just a matter of a year or less off lifespan of someone with a chronic health condition but that is cold comfort to the family and friends of everyone who lost that year and some folks are going to lose family and friends who had just minor or even no chronic health condition. 

We still cant cower at home for months; but this covid-19 is worse than the H1N1 that killed 100K over 15 months or whatever the full period was.

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