Monday, March 16, 2020

madness, sheer madness

People are hearing baseless rumors that there will be a nationwide shutdown and quarantine and are panic buying not even just 2-3 weeks of supplies on this FNM fear mongering but 3-6 months worth and not just TP and people stuff but now pet food, kitty litter etc as well.

But I was able to get my usual horse feed this AM.   I updated my chewy order for the new pup and its fine if they are a week or 2 late with the normal scheduled delivery.    I've actually got somewhat less supplies than my normal this year as I've trying to declutter but still have plenty to get by for a few weeks and I can stretch dried beans and split peas after that if I have to but I passed bemused to 'point and laugh' a few days ago and I am nearing 'WTELFIWWY" already and people probably won't stop with the sudden prepper syndrome for another month.

Knocking wood,  so far,  my state is not trying to shut down the great outdoors yet.  Yes the poor souls in IL and MI and I think some others have had state parks and open space areas shut down,  WTH is wrong with those governors or their health consultants?  Don't they know that sunlight is a great disinfectant?

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