Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Equine dentist is coming on Thursday.

I'm relieved he scheduled so quickly after I finally got him called.  It will be a great relief to taper Bee off the extra concentrates as I have a fear of giving him laminitis.  Now I just have to get myself scheduled for eye exam, dentist and routine health screenings I've been punting on for too long, but baby steps in the right direction are still steps in the right direction.

I may need to take a break from FB.  So tired of reading people who are done riding seriously whining that AERC shouldn't co-sanction 100 mile rides with FEI.   And a lot of the whiners  also whine that AERC doesn't give RMs ENOUGH control of their own rides as far as fudging distance if the ride is over tough terrain.  What a sorry group of people, they probably don't even have a clue how wildly inconsistent they are being.   I am with the 2nd group to a fair extent, but I feel kind of bad if a ride seemed significantly short.  Would be nice if AERC would just give the RM more leeway to adjust time to complete and sanction rides for 45 miles if RM requested it.  Then everyone that loves that scenic ride but wants to have 12 hours to finish it could still be happy (well some would still carp that 'this ride is tough so we should get a 10% add on on the mileage' for yearly records.)

I nominated for regional awards Partners the end of Dec, and yesterday the award organizer said on FJ "we received no nominations for HOF either person or horse" so extending the deadline to Jan 15. So I had some fun looking through some ride records, initially I was looking at a horse I nominated last year but the rider/owner while a nice guy doesn't come to convention so I was pondering and then  thought "how about Stu?"  Had some fun noting highlights of his career which is pretty awesome, he misses only the 3000 or more miles highlight but awesome little horse with 11 100 mile completions 5 of them on tough courses.  

I can think of some possible HOF people too, but for the one candidate I'd need to reach out to some folks for details of their riding career(s) before they became solid RMs as the online records don't go back that far.

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