Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Harumphy hump day

Ok its just a typical crabby day for me.   I'm behind on doing my taxes and have to call the #*#& IRA outfit to get some tax form because I mis-typed my password or maybe didn't have the latest one written down.  Argghh,  I should not have to mess with top security to get a stupid statement for taxes.   I shouldn't have any but last year I screwed up and put $40 too much into 2017 catch up fund when I thought an email to have some money put in had disappeared.  I took $40 out  1 or 2 days later when I realized what happened but I suppose the damn market picked that 1-2 period to go up.  What a PITA this trying to be extra responsible for retirement has been.

Because I'm annoyed at myself for not taking care of this already plus not taking care of faxing form to stupid oil company to direct deposit those dabs (hanging fire for weeks now)  I'm projecting onto the world and annoyed at work whenever I ask about something and the responsible person comes with "I dunno, I think so&so that left did that"m  or some other lame ass deflection, and I'm annoyed at home because dad is creaky, old, and seems to sleep an awful lot.   Maybe I should nag him about his diet, but if he won't change how he eats when his doctor tells him I don't think he's going to take dietician advice from his kid.  And I don't know what I'd tell him.  I don't want to try to come up with paleo/keto/Atkins meals and snacks for him to eat.  *IF* he was asking me to make it easier for him I'd have him try the "Carbohydrate Addicts" plan (you can have whatever sugary or flour filled goodness you want, but only during 1 hour a day and rest of day eat only low carb things.  or just do the IF like I do; my *fasts* are 16-18 hours M-F and I take weekends off.  I need to cut back on the stuffing my face on weekends.  If I did that, maybe I'd look like a better role model, but dad would still probably stuff his face with candy throughout the day.

I got myself on a computer app jigsaw kick and am having to break that habit because it was cutting into work time plus mousing the pieces around gets hard on my neck/shoulders/forearms.   I have been having to fight the urge now on day 2 after telling myself I have to just stop cold turkey since the # of puzzles I wanted to do ramped up.  I don't even know why doing them seems so mentally soothing.  I suppose any task that takes just a bit of attention w/o requiring serious thought fills that role; its just too bad that I start thinking I need that soothing more and more frequently.  Just doing work stuff should suffice but there is a huge tension at work with new boss wanting everything python and super object oriented and I can barely understand anything he has written because his OO style makes things so obscure.  

I rode Tanza again on Sunday.   He is funny sometimes.   The one place we go that only has a single track trail had snow over the trail and icky gopher dug soft spots off the trail where the snow had melted so I asked him to go through the snow where the trail was.   He was pretty good about doing that but then on the way home he got silly about any spots where snow drifts came within a foot of where we were walking on the road.   I call it the arabian horse ghost stories effect.   When its just routine, like coming the last 1/2 mile home and being asked to just walk and cool down a bit they start telling themselves ghost stories and jumping at every shadow.

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