Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Why do people vote for commies?

Oh I know envy is ingrained in human nature so the notion of "Take some of that rich trustafarian's stuff away and give it to me" is going to resonate.  But the number of trustafarian's living large on money grandpa or daddy gave to them in a trust is small and I don't understand how people can look at the misery in Cuba, Venezuela, etc. and still decide that they'd rather pull down the 'idle rich' even though socialism, by punishing those who produce, is going to cause empty store shelves and make everyone equally poor in terms of being able to purchase what they want.

And the greedy super rich will be able to buy laws to insulate themselves from the theft by government so only the average men and women who had extra ambition find themselves being punished by the state.  Those that are clever and not overly hung up on letter of the law may resort to black market but will either be always guarded and nervous that someone may turn them in to the STAZI or will decide that if they have to smuggle anyway might as well sell drugs and use violence to quell those who would report you plus make enough to bribe to the federales to look the other way.

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