Monday, November 26, 2018

Odds and Ends

I am back to de-cluttering efforts at home.  I went through a box of of clothes in the project room closet.   Made some rags,  found some slacks that need nothing done and a few that just need a button sewn on, one needs one seam sewn over.  They may have been mine or mom bought them and didn't get them hemmed before she got too heavy for them.  Since I found the IF eating system and lost weigh I can get into them now.    I have 3-4 toys in car to go into the donation bin at work.   If they end up not wanted at least I didn't have to toss them directly in the trash.

I ordered 2 rasps.  I will keep one in house to try to keep it sharp but could not talk myself out of buying 2 since shipping was going to be $10 regardless and I will *probably* keep doing the minis myself and may rasp more on Sadie to keep her feet from flaring and doing the under run heels so much.  And maybe I will loan rasp to boarders or work on their paint a bit myself if a sharp rasp allows me to work fast enough that he isn't taking his foot away so much.  (I should make them take care of their own horse, but sucker me will end up spending some time and $ on him while he is at our place because I won't punish him for their lazy liberal BS)

I took pics of mom's AP Wintec and will re-list it at a cheaper price and talk up the low hours even though it is an older saddle to try to get it actually sold vs just listing it at what I thought was a fair price which has gotten me zero contacts for it.   Plus this time I will remember to list the fleece pads at the same time.   "save shipping, will include pads with saddle"

I have coding I need to do at work.  Trying to get my brain going again after its break.  And now I must compile a list about the SA they should let go.  I am not happy to be put on the spot by my manager over this.   SA is not something I know much about and xe has gotten feedback from the folks who know more.  I feel like manager is hoping my lack of knowledge and general easy grader tendency will give em an excuse to ignore the knowledgable input from others on the team because xe likes SA on a personal level plus xe does not want to do the unpleasant management task of putting someone on notice of need to improve or move on.

I have to email brother.   I don't have a text from him with his P.O. number.  Either I don't know how to pull up my texts on my new phone (only my text to my farrier is showing up) , or bro's text went to old phone because I didn't have things switched over yet or something weird.  Plus I have to ask bro if he needs money now or should I wait and only send Christmas present check.  His house burning down is good reason for me to pull from my emergency fund to help him and SIL out.  BUT money seems to run through their hands like water, so maybe I should wait until they need help with a down payment to rebuild or buy a new house.

 I don't know how cramped, either physically or just in style staying in  her uncles house all day she really is.  I *feel* like SIL is putting on airs for her relatives or her church vs. taking an opportunity to stay there, pay the uncle a small rent and deal with the inconvenience of not having their own place for 3-6 months so they could pay down debt so they can afford to rebuild or buy a new place when everything shakes out with insurance for the burned up house and any settlement Cali actually ever pays her for her old workplace injury.   Truth be told I don't even have much sympathy for the back/wrist *injury*  from repetitive use of over stiff stapler.  I don't understand not saying "this is hurting me, brawny co-worker please come and staple this set of docs"  twice a day or whatever until the dumbshit management bought her an electric stapler instead of suffering along; I suspect she was thinking at least at the subconscious level that a  workman's comp settlement would be nice since she didn't like doing the paralegal documentation for the county or state agency anyway.

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