Wednesday, June 22, 2016

struggling to get conditioning ride dates

A lot of the riders are retired or SAHMs and don't want to ride on a weekend when there are more trail users and I am just not good at the networking thing.   Probably its the nature of it that you have to reach out to a lot of people and then personally ask for favors and leads until you get what you need and I fall into feeling rejected after one or two failed attempts.  I really need to get Tanza out though.

He is doing better at home but still I have a limited area where he is comfortable and have to go back and forth to get much distance at all and have been just feeling tired and quitting after only 5-6 miles.

I need to be getting a lot more miles than that on him and I need to keep riding Sadie and should ride her a lot more miles because she is overweight and a bit footsore.

And the goats heads are going strong and I really want to spray them all this year and not have the horse pens be overrun anymore.

Plus Tanza has been getting welts every day.  They go down, but with his allergies I've been freaking out.  I started feeding him the Platinum allergy powder again and am trying to be diligent with spraying fly repellent on him.  I should get him an appointment with the acupuncture vet; Sadie is not having much allergy issues this year.  I have been feeding her the Platinum but in years past she still had raised hairs for several weeks in the summer.   I also stopped letting the horses out to graze the last few days in case thicker bugs out there or Tanza is eating something he is more allergic to.

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