Monday, October 14, 2013

urggghhh, blech

main work group at job is all excited about some buzzword filled software design strategy.   In fairness, the strategy probably has some good benefits and will help manage the fairly big job of getting the big stuff that needs to be done before launch ready.   *IF* the team and boss twerp were approaching it with "ok, we are not swept up by the buzzwords and rah-rah bs, but this is a good overall framework that we think will help us gitRdone so we are doing it in spite of this bit that seems like stupid smoke and mirrors" I  wouldn't be whinging here.   But no, we are getting full buzzwords and lots of rah rah crap to kick it off and it makes me cringe.


Gerrick said...

Lots of buzzwords usually mean your about to get crap software that someone farther up gave approval to buying. Dress it up to make it look good.

Nobody wants to admit they bought a shit sandwich.

I sense irritation in your future.

Teresa/ride4fun said...

Its not even a software package. Its just a methodology to keep all the software folks moving down the main road instead of bounding off chasing rabbits through the brush. After the sell to the full group during our 'in house' retreat (yay shutdown I didn't have to drive up to a resort) and a little bit the introductory day the buzzword fest has been off and we and especially the supervisor(s) are just trying to figure out just how to do it. I think it will be ok. I just hate any kind of pep or sales talks so had to whine on Monday.

Gerrick said...


I am bored and wondering what you are up to.