Monday, October 1, 2012

Good ride on Sunday

I hauled Lady and Sadie to KenLyn stables today and L met me there. I had to get off and lead her across and have L help push her but got Sadie to cross the 'creek' (don't tell Sadie but it was so dry this year that only a few sections of this creek have pooled water so we could have gone around) I have really been wanting to work with water on Sadie and this was a great crossing to take a nervous greenie across -- nice footing with no squishy mud, and too wide to jump across

Once we got her in and she waked across I turned around and led her back and then through again to really reinforce the "see this is no big deal" theme.

Success :D after riding another 2-3 miles in a sort of narrow loop we came back that way and I was able to ride Sadie across following Lady. Sadie seemed pretty proud of herself for going through all the trees and crossing water etc. and I gave her lots of praise and horse cookies. She is a fun horsonality.

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