Monday, August 5, 2019

I'm going to have to put CJ and Tanza together for a while

The two redheads are a bit skinny and Razz and Sadie are plenty fat.   So I'll have to put CJ and Tanza together and hope Tanza doesn't get a bit where the saddle pad will rub so I can feed them plenty of hay and give CJ more Eq. Sr than he is getting now and maybe a bit of the Amplify.  Good thing I went to the Buffalo creek ride and got the "body score is a 4" to open my eyes to the gradual weight loss with Tanza and now I looked at CJ and noticed he has dropped weight too.   I don't like my horses being under a 5 but I was just not registering the dropping weight until the vet said Tanza's body score last week at the ride and then I noticed I can see ribs on CJ this weekend.  Sigh, in theory part of the reason to always shove any thought of moving out back in a closet is because I'll notice things and take better care of the horses.   I guess I'm going to have to get a younger roommate with sharp eyes to fill that role for me before too long.

I sprayed about 5 gallons of 2-4-D this weekend.  This is good burr eradication progress,  it took me quite a while each time to walk around and find burrs to spray to use up about 1.3 gallons of spray.  I have to remind myself of this progress because I felt like "uggg, I'm still not doing much but spraying weeds"   I also did some hand weeding of mom's old super over-sized flower bed,  watered the pretty weeds I'm trying to start along the outside of the horse pen and burned some tumbleweeds that got going before dad got his mower belt replaced earlier this summer.  Not bad for as hot as it was.  Not great but not bad.

I also washed a couple loads of clothes, I hauled a huge tote of sweaters that mom had to take to SD to hand off to sis to deal with and also washed some of her clothes on hangers that had gotten so dusty they needed to be washed before wearing or giving away and boxed them up.   It always seems to take a huge toll on my mental/emotional energy stores to deal with "what to give away, throw away etc. and this was no exception.  I added some smaller ls shirts to my wardrobe as I sorted,  decided that I will give bro mom's Broncos Ed McCaffrey jersey,  I forgot she'd even had that or the Brett Favre T-shirt.   Course she didn't wear them often, appreciated them as gifts, but was saving them.  I come by that silliness naturally,  of save something until it spoils (food) or is outdated or no longer fits well etc.  instead of enjoying it and being ok with using it up, wearing it out etc.  Trying to work on this personally.

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