Sunday, October 13, 2024

I keep punting on running to town to pick up a few things

I think I need to not move unless I connect with someone.  I can barely manage getting vehicles in to be serviced and whatnot here.   I can't be out in the country in a rural state like Wyoming unless I've moved next door to a buddy and we will help each other out with such things.   

So I need to get over my angst and start trying to find housemates for this place, and I need to call an insurance agent and see if I can't get a decent rate on this house and my vehicles.   I'm done overpaying the current outfit while they keep sending bills to dad after I've told them at least 3 times that he is deceased.

I felt off all day, not full on sick but had a bit of a neck soreness and headache.  I did finally put up my 3rd wire all the way that divides Taj from the other horses.   Razz and Taj and quit crawling through the fence the last several days but I wanted to make sure the neighbor kids shouldn't have to deal with horses in the wrong pen.    Tomorrow I have to get Lady's medicine, the pic with all of us at bros from 2007, cash, horse feed.    I have to figure out where to station feed for Lady and Taj and get that set up too.   I should have done more of that this weekend, but I didn't. 

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