She doesn't look bad in grown horse attire eh? And my sweet boy Grey Moun, and moms minis. And I got all the little pens fairly clean and raked the buildup from the feeder in Shade and Sadies pen. Which is the 3 ayrabs pen now. Grey has been losing weight, has gone from being plenty fat to as lean as I want him to get. So he's in with my bay girls getting a little bit richer hay in the same volumes or a bit more as the diet pen gets. Cindy is older but she's still in good weight. My easy keeper old mare. CJ got extra food for 2 weeks when the tractor was in the paddock. He's been doing pretty well anyways I think.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Playing dress up with Sadie
She doesn't look bad in grown horse attire eh? And my sweet boy Grey Moun, and moms minis. And I got all the little pens fairly clean and raked the buildup from the feeder in Shade and Sadies pen. Which is the 3 ayrabs pen now. Grey has been losing weight, has gone from being plenty fat to as lean as I want him to get. So he's in with my bay girls getting a little bit richer hay in the same volumes or a bit more as the diet pen gets. Cindy is older but she's still in good weight. My easy keeper old mare. CJ got extra food for 2 weeks when the tractor was in the paddock. He's been doing pretty well anyways I think.
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