What a mixed bag weekend. My new saddle came saturday Yay. I broke the zipper trying to put in the soft pommel, WAAH. I was unsure whether to try to send it back or just sew the pommel in. Crud I hate having to fix new things because a stinking manufacturer leaves the hard step to the consumer and/or uses flimsy components. Some back and forth with the dealer I bought the saddle from -I was believing that the soft pommel insert might just be too big and I would end up tearing the fabric sewing it. Well I have sore fingers but the pommels in there now.
And Ole got another cut on his butt last week -- I didn't see it when it was fresh, mom thought it was looking bad so she took him to the vets and they stitched it after keeping him for 1/2 the day. They sent him home with a plastic e-collar and a warning that he was going to feel dopey and sorry for himself for a while. He was a whiney baby the rest of the day, broke the e-collar in all of 3 hours, so I took him to PetSmart and bought the inflatable collar. Well I think it will actually stay in one piece, Ole feels better today. I took Ole for a walk today, and then made him stay home while I rode Shade, in the old LJ. Oh well I stayed on except for my voluntary dismount to lead her past the 'scary' barrel she was acting goofy about.
My super siphon hose worked well. The first bit flowed pretty fast, then it slowed down but it got my p/u bed tank almost completely drained. I flipped my tank around but I'm going to have to take off a bracket thats on it so it will fit up snug against the front of my p/u box. So didn't make a diesel run. I hadn't left enough time to mess with a hack saw. Not sure there isn't an easier way.
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