I had to psych myself up to pay the download fee for this one from Time Well Spent photography/smugmug.
I am so spoiled by often having Karl creations photographers Deb and Paschal at rides I go to. I usually buy every picture they've printed; because they charge so little I figure I'll keep the bad shots away from other eyes --bad meaning my form was crappy or I just look ugly, if they take a bad shot they don't bother to print it.
I shuddered at the side on shots from this ride. I had thought I had my shoulders back and head up and was shocked to see how forward my feet were. Yuck. You can tell even in the front view pics that my feet are forward. Oh well Shade didn't get sore, just something for me work on. I had a dressage form lesson with V today -rode RazzMo, he is good for working on form, being super smooth and not as energetic as Shade, and we worked on some things so I have specific 'homework' At least it is not totally alien feeling to ride correctly now, so I have not lost all progress from the spring lessons. I just need to get better form all the time so it will feel weird to not be sitting up straight like I should do. I was going to take a pic of Razz this morning but I forgot. Oh well I have another lesson next week.
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