In horsey news. Lady is coming to live at our place again for a month or two starting this weekend. I need to move a feed trough out of there, shut the gate and start getting it cleaned up better. But today's horse activity ended with feeding and unloading the feed I bought yesterday --yesterdays activity was feeding and swinging by the co-op to buy feed.
Sunday I did ride, aaaaahhhhh. Had a fun little ride on Shade and a quick spin on Razz before light ran out. Saturday I wormed Sadie, and mom's mini's and worked a bit on trailer loading with Sadie. The good news is I can get her front feet in the new horse trailer -the bad news is I still haven't got her stepping all the way in. I could with a helper or if I HAD to but I don't want to push her much at this point. I decided I wont bother worming the adult horses until the next cycle when we've had a hard freeze. They've been wormed more the last 18 months than usual due to me having Sadie, this round I decided I'll worm her but not worry about her picking up worms from the others since I'll dose with ivermectin after we get a hard freeze and kill off the durned flies. I think our frosts took out most of the fly parasites, the flies seem thicker than ever. I must remember to buy some more fly bait next time I buy joint supplements. Going to try a different brand, with luck maybe it will work without having to mix it with something to attract flies.
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