Thursday, February 13, 2025

Ugh, so disgusted with the 'Thursday is the new Friday' mindset that seems rampant at my work

 I'm teetering on the edge of going too far with pushing the group boss.  But I get soooooo fed up with trying to get his pet projects working after he handed them off to other people who neglected them either because they thought it was a waste of their time vs their own science or did not have anywhere the software background to handle things.   And it feels like most of the group thinks they can just ask W4H to do something that is their job;  I now push back hard on a lot of that with "I'm swamped", or with the one great young newish hire give her a few sentences on how to do things herself.   

And things will get worse before they get better.  I like that Trump is taking a chainsaw to all the wasteful federal agencies, and we are not fed employees, but I imagine we will end up with our own hiring freeze. So if someone quits, we'll just have to cover the work they did.   And while I'm complaining cuz it feels like no one else is doing much of anything on Thursdays and Fridays,  everyone in the group is handling some important tasks and it would be tough to get things done if they were gone and could not be replaced. 

L has a cold and couldn't come this week; then she posted to the neighborhood how hard it is getting to do things with the fetus getting so big.  So I'll have to tell her it's probably time to stop coming here, and because I wanted to be a good friend I volunteered to let her dog out of its cage and do some chuck it with him tomorrow while she is at her Doc appointment.   I need to ask what time that should happen and ask if the neighbor boy could/would come with me.   He can probably work the ball chucker way better than I can and has youthful energy. 

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